2024 Appellate Seminar Held at the University of Cincinnati College of Law

The 2024 Appellate Seminar and CLE Event was recently held at the University of Cincinnati College of Law on Friday, December 6. Organized by the First District Court of Appeals and the University of Cincinnati, the 2024 Appellate Seminar brought together approximately 80 local attorneys, magistrates, and judges. Attendees of the event eagerly listened to presentations given by First District staff on the ins and outs of the appellate record, First District case law, and the Court’s mediation program. One session on the appellate record included a panel discussion moderated by First District Judge Marilyn Zayas. This panel included various court reporters, clerks, court administrators, magistrates, and other court staff of the Hamilton County trial courts. The event concluded with a special segment on artificial intelligence and legal ethics given by University of Cincinnati Law Professor Tim Armstrong.

The First District has since received positive feedback about the event and looks forward to putting together its next seminar. Be sure to look for announcements about our next event in late 2025.
