Beginning March 1, 2024, the First District Court of Appeals will appoint appellate counsel from a new appointed counsel list. All attorneys who wish to be on the Court’s new list, including those who are on the Court’s current appointed counsel list, must complete a new application. Please review the Court’s local rules for appointed counsel which can be viewed here.
The application is available here. The application is also available at the Court’s offices located at the Taft Law Center Building located at 230 E. Ninth St. 12th Floor Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.
Attorneys may electronically sign the application or print and sign it before returning it to the Court. Signed applications may be emailed to: Alternatively, attorneys may deliver by hand or mail signed applications to Jennifer Hammock First District Court of Appeals, 230 E. Ninth St. 12th Floor Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.
Please return applications by February 29, 2024.
Questions can be directed to Jennifer Hammock at or 513-946-3500.