The First District Court of Appeals welcomed interns from the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati and the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts on June 20, 2023, to observe oral arguments. Additionally, the Court’s Interns from the University of Cincinnati College of Law and undergraduate interns from local colleges joined them in observation of oral arguments. The interns heard arguments in three cases before a three-judge panel consisting of Presiding Judge Marilyn Zayas, Judge Robert Winkler, and Judge Ginger Bock. Judge Kinsley sat for Judge Bock in the last case. At the conclusion of arguments, Judge Zayas and Judge Kinsley were joined by local attorneys, Alex Durst, Jonathon Hilton, Diana Link, Paul Kerridge, and Jeffrey Parker, to participate in a question-and-answer session with the interns.
For more information on the Court’s civic engagement programs, please click here.
To view oral arguments from June 20, 2023, click here.